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Guide to Long Range

Long Range is a massive part of the FPV hobby, freestyle drones are pretty limited in terms of flight time and distance. If you’ve had any DJI pilot ask you how long your drone flies, you’ll know that they all think 5 to 8 mins is pretty low. Long range drones offer a DJI like flight time with the agility of an FPV drone. There are two branches in long range FPV, drones and fixed wing. We are going to go over what you need to get into it and which of the two is best for you.

First off, a disclaimer, long range is costly and can easily result in lost equipment or accidents. You have to understand that at those distances, the chances of finding a lost aircraft is slim to none. That being said, long range is a lot of fun and done right, can result in some of the best flights you’ll have.

You’ll need some equipment to get into long range. To start, high gain antennas are a must, they are more sensitive than the standard circular polarized antenna, but have a directional beam, so make sure to aim them the way you’re flying! Then you’ll need bigger batteries, to sustain a 30 or more minute flight. Lithium Ion batteries are preferred because they are more energy dense than Lithium Polymer packs. Only downside being that you cannot pull as many amps from them. If you are looking for even better, antenna trackers can be used to make sure the antenna is aimed in the optimal location.

Now, you’ll have to choose between quadcopters and fixed wing. We’ll start by looking at the advantages of quadcopters. Quadcopters are more maneuverable, you can stop and hover at any time and easily control your forward speed while also having full control over your turning radius. Quadcopters are less efficient as they have no lift apart from the propellers, and with 4 motors, you are consuming more power. This is why most long range drones are limited to 30 minutes of flight time.

Fixed wing aircrafts have different perks, because of the lift generated by the wing, you need much less power to keep flying. Flight time for a standard fixed wing aircraft can be around 30 min and with endurance planes, you can expect hours of flight. Planes have limitations, landing necessitates more space (unless you have a VTOL, which is a kind of hybrid between the two), you are limited in your turning radius and you cannot hover mid flight.

Long-range FPV flying is a rewarding but challenging pursuit. It requires careful planning, a commitment to safety, and a significant investment in equipment. Whether you choose the maneuverability of a quadcopter or the extended range of a fixed-wing aircraft, the world of long-range FPV offers a unique and exhilarating flying experience. Embrace the challenge, explore new horizons, and enjoy the freedom of flight!